An event to find out more about available models that can be used by churches, to help those in need of support with debt and finances. Representatives from CAP, Community Money Advice and Just Finance Foundation will join us to talk about what they can offer churches working with them, and representatives from local churches with everything from debt centres to light-touch signposting at drop-ins and foodbanks will talk about their experiences. Many churches feel debt support is outside of their capabilities, but there are things we can do that don’t require such high levels of resource, and support is available from various agencies to get new projects off the ground, or develop existing ones. Join us to find out more on 25th June 2025, 7pm-9pm at Cuthbert House. Clergy, staff, PCCs and other volunteers are all invited to come along and explore this vital work, and how we can help you set up and develop it.
Stonebridge Durham,
Tyne and Wear
DH1 3RYUnited Kingdom+ Google Map
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Wednesday 25th March, 7pm-9pm, Cuthbert House
An event to find out more about available models that can be used by churches, to help those in need of support with debt and finances. Representatives from CAP, Community Money Advice and Just Finance Foundation will join us to talk about what they can offer churches working with them, and representatives from local churches with everything from debt centres to light-touch signposting at drop-ins and foodbanks will talk about their experiences. Many churches feel debt support is outside of their capabilities, but there are things we can do that don’t require such high levels of resource, and support is available from various agencies to get new projects off the ground, or develop existing ones. Join us to find out more on 25th June 2025, 7pm-9pm at Cuthbert House. Clergy, staff, PCCs and other volunteers are all invited to come along and explore this vital work, and how we can help you set up and develop it.
Sign up using this link
Durham, Tyne and Wear DH1 3RY United Kingdom + Google Map